Buster’s 2nd day

The vet called she said he has eaten twice, has use the bathroom and walked today as well. My baby is an amazing dog! I missed him so much yesterday, she said we can pick him up at 7 tonight! We can not wait to see him, the boys miss him as well. Thank you all again for your prayers.

Visit Buster at the hospital

The vet called and said that Buster was a Trooper, his blood pressure was great and he handled the procedure handsomely.  She said we can visit between 7-7:30, we got there and they were waiting for us. He was laying in his kennel with an ice pack and was sedated but had his eyes open, when he heard my voice he wagged his tail. I was so happy  to see him and gave him so many kisses.  I whispered in his ear how good he was and that his brothers were waiting for him to return home.  I also told him how much I love him and that he is going to be better now that the pain is gone. The vet showed us the incision and she did a beautiful job, she also sent out one of the lymph-nodes to make sure everything was good. I gave her a big hug and told her thank you for taking care of him. We both started crying and she said that it great to see two people whom loved they dog as much as we do.  Thank you all for your prayers and I will let you know how he is doing tomorrow after we speak with the vet in the morning. Good night and God Bless all the doggies out there and their parents.

Today is the day

Today is the day I take Buster to the hospital, I know once he is in the car he will know where we are heading. I didn’t sleep well last night all I think about is my boy will be there and I will not be able to hold his paw and tell him all will be fine. I know that God will watch over him and hold him during this surgery.

I will be at work waiting to hear the outcome from the vet,  my thoughts will not be at work but with him. So please keep him in your prayers today and tomorrow.

One more day till surgery

Well the biopsy came back positive, Buster is due to have his surgery on Friday.  He has been in a lot of pain but the medication seems to make it bearable and his appetite has been good as well. They will need to keep him overnight and that will be a first for him. Please keep him in your prayers!

Day 5 of Buster’s journey

Today Buster seems to be more like himself, but I notice how tried he gets when I take him out to do his thing.  I have been giving him his favoriate treats and snacks because I know all these meds he is on makes him feel crappy. Hopefully by Monday or Tuesday we should get our answer which I already know what it is and I am getting my self ready mentally for the surgery. Buster is sleeping right next to me peacefully.  Buster and I want to wish you all a great weekend.

Welcoming Buster to the family

My assistant had a white lab whom was in heat and a beautiful German Sheppard got to her, before Tair knew she was going to be a grandma. At the time my husband, daughter and I were living in an apt and I just didn’t feel right getting a dog. But once our daughter saw the pups I was ganged up by both them and finally gave in. Buster was so beautiful (I will load pics soon) he had these white dots on his brow that moves up and down when he is looking at you.  Well Buster moved in and stole my heart, there’s not a day that went by that I didn’t look forward to his new adventures.  Buster thinks he is human, he will sit on the sofa and look at TV like a person. When he wants my attention he will come over where I am sitting and place his paw on my lap and talks to me. It will be either he needs out or wants a treat.  He is seven and half year old, his younger brother is Duke and we have brought in my daughter’s dog Max whom has been with us one year. Buster loves to run and play tag with the other two. Seeing him with all this pain has torn my heart in two, waiting to hear the next step is wearing me down. I love it when I get home from work to see him with his smile and tail wagging at the door. Buster loves you with all his heart and when he smiles his whole face lights up but during this painful time I just see the pain in his eyes and I wish that I could have the pain instead of him. I love him so very much and he is a big part of my family.  So you see this is how my Buster came to our family and brought the sunshine with him. Thank you all for your prayers and throughtful words. Buster sends a big hello as well. Good night and God Bless.

the day after Buster biopsy

Yesterday they did the biopsy, the vet stated the Buster will be in a lot pain. When they finally brought him to us all he wanted to do is get home. I made his favorite snack mash potatoes so that we could give him the pain killers. Today he went to have the bandages removed and now we have to wait 10 days for the results, but the vet said Buster has all the classic symptoms of the growth being a tumor. So we wait, right now he is sleeping next to me and his 2 brothers Duke and Max